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Hi! My name is Heather Crider and I want to empower you to overcome any obstacle and become WHO you are meant to be, by starting with how you think.

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May 15, 2020

In this episode of Go Reflect Yourself, Mark and I uncover why your thoughts are so powerful and how your experiences impact what you think, and your results.
What you’ll learn:
  • The different regions of the brain and how they impact your thoughts
  • How to succeed by creating an experience for success
  • Why success depends on your ability to have awareness
  • How to enhance your awareness
  • How to create an anchor word to help gain clarity, focus and happiness
Mark Robert Waldman is the neuroscience researcher and creator of NeuroWisdom 101.  His national bestseller How God Changes Your Brain with co-author Andrew Newberg, M.D., was chosen by Oprah as one of the “Must Read” books for 2012.  Considered a Leading Expert on Spirituality, Communication, and  the Brain, Mark is on the Executive MBA faculty at Loyola Marymount University and also teaches at Holmes Institute. Mark travels throughout the world teaching mindfulness and Neuro Leadership strategies to colleges, corporations, and philanthropic organizations.
Tune in and as you watch or listen to this special episode.  Pause every 5-10 minutes and mindfully reflect on what you just heard.  Write down your thoughts, then yawn and stretch before proceeding.
Let me know what takeaways you had from this episode.
To learn more about Mark, or to receive one of his free downloadable neurotips:Visit his website at
If something in this episode was valuable for you, please share with your friends.  
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